Jack (Jan) Beda's Home Page

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The best way to convey competency in a language is just to speak in that language and let other people see. Below I include some short pieces of writing in the various languages I have spent time learning to provide a sample of my ability. All of these have been written first-draft, exclusively by me, without the use of translation software or spellchecker, and so the mistakes within should provide a good metric of my ability. These texts were all written on November 2, 2023.


Jeg begynt å lære norsk som alle begynner med språk på Duolingo. Heldigvis, bare noen uker etter jeg hadde lastet ned appen, skolen min ble kansellert på grunn av pandemien og jeg fant meg selv med ingenting å gjøre ellers en å studere norsk. Jeg registrert meg selv på norskeprogrammen ved universitet i North Dakota og gjennom pandemien tok fem kurs der (NORW 101, 102, 201, 202, 433) og fikk certificat i norsk fra dem. Det var vinteren 2021 da jeg ble ferdig med norsk 433, og jeg bestemte å ikke fortsette på norsk der først og fremst fordi det var vanskelig å ta norskkurs på toppen av det vanlig arbeidet i fysikk i Edinburgh. Den andre grunnen var at, etter å ha lærte masse norsk, det ble klart og tydelig at det finnes ikke mange nordmenn i hverden, og de fleste snakker skikkelig god engensk. For disse grunner, jeg sluttet med norsk og gikk over til å ta kveldkurs i kinesisk i Edinburgh. Det finnes masse flere kinesisk folk i hverden enn nordmenn, og kveldkurs var litt mer rolig en den formelle universitetskurs i North Dakota. Med det sagt, jeg var ikke helt ferdig med spåket. Sommeren 2022 jeg tok "Intensivt mellomkurs i norsk - trinn III" ved internasjonale sommerskolen i Oslo. Det var et skikkelig hyggelig erfaring, og jeg kan nå demonstrere B2/C1 compentanse i språket. Jeg elseker både språket og landet, og er alltid glad for å finne meg tilbake i Norge for å kunne bruke språket og hoppe rundt de fine fjellene. Om det har bruk til deg kan jeg selvfølgelig gi deg karakterutskrift fra enten universitet i North Dakota ellers universitet i Oslo.


我说汉语说的没有我挪威语的好。 我2021春天,在孔子学院,开始学习中文。 我学习汉语因为我很想去中国旅行,也很喜欢中国文化和历史。 现在,我在孔子学院上了五个课。 我最喜欢的季节是冬天因为我非常喜欢下雪的时候。 但是苏格兰的冬天很少下雪我也喜欢着的冬天。 我也很喜欢冬天因为圣诞节的时候我能看我的家人和吃很多好吃的饭。


Mon français c'est assez terrible. Au Canada, J'ai pris l'immersion francais pendant huit ans en école elimentaire, mais j'ai absolutment détesté l'expérience. Il'yavait un temp je pouvais parler B2 français, mais maintenant ce n'est plus cette époque. Je me sens un peu gêné que je ne peux pas parler un langue je me sens je devrais pouvoir parler, mais ça fait longtemp depuit que je faudrais utiliser la langue. Peut étre, dans l'avenir je vais essayer de reapprendre un peux de mon français, mais maintenant je suis très contente à apprendre autre langue.

Image of Jack Beda in Oslo, August 4, 2022 near the Labour Museum


Hello hello! I am Jack Beda. I currently study MPhys Mathematical Physics (5 years) at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in my 4th year. I grew up in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada and attended high school at Kenner CVI in the IB program. Primarily, this website is a side project to help me learn HTML and Javascript when I have little better to do, but you may find some useful information here regardless.


I have a keen interest in hiking/canoing/mountaineering/biking/skiing/running/climbing and all sorts of things outside. In Canada I primarily enjoy admiring the lovely trees and lakes of Algonquin and the Kawartha Highlands. In the UK, where fewer trees, lakes, and canoes are to be found, I enjoy climbing all of the various grassy, rocky, and snowy lumps around whenever I can.


Below is a list of all of the courses I have taken so far (or are currently taking) at the university of Edinburgh. Each course links to the relevant DPT (degree program table) at the university. Some of the DPT pages will gradually go out of date.

My Research Projects

Here I detail all of the summer-research-project type activities I have undertaken so far.

Microscope Synchronisation with Raspberryi Pi Pico

Dr. Florian Ströhl's research requires synchronizing of a plane laser with a rolling-shutter camera at high precision. The camera takes a rolling shutter picture as the plane laser sweeps through a biological (or any) sample, such that a particular section of the sample is only illuminated when the camera is exposing that part of the image. The camera outputs an electrical pulse signal when it is exposing (which drops to zero at the end of the frame). My project was to recieve as input this pulse signal to a raspberry pi pico, and produce as output, using a DAC (digital to analogue converter), a voltage that steadily increases when the camera is exposing, and drops to zero when the camera is not exposing (almost like a sawtooth wave). This output voltage can be connected to a galvometer so that the plane laser moves in sync with the camera (Fig. 1). In this project I :

circuit board, computer, oscilloscope
Fig. 1: The completed circuit board takes a square wave from the camera as input (green trace on the oscilloscope), and produces a sawtooth-like wave as output (blue trace).

Birefringence of Packing Tape

Dr. Aaron Slepkov had at the time been studying the birefringence of various household tapes (packing tape/cellotape/sticky tape), with the aim of collecting sufficient data on the tapes to predict the colours produced when the tapes are viewed between crossed polarizers, at arbitrary angles. When viewed between crossed polarizers, birefringent objects, like the tapes, appear vividly coloured, and this phenomenon can be used to create pretty pictures among other applications (Fig. 2). In this research project I assisted by taking large quantities of spectrometer measurements on the tapes, to verify the data previously gathered by Dr. Slepkov.

Related to this project is an article I wrote, that was listed as the jIAPS (journal of the international association of physics students) article of the month on birefringence.

packing tape
Fig. 2: A stained glass like effect can be created by viewing layered tape through crossed polarizers.

Contact Me

Click the button below to download a .vcf file to add to your contacts:

At the moment the best method of contact is by email or my UK cell. But I include all methods below:

Curriculum Vitae

Click the button below to download my current CV.

If you are considering offering me a position, I would be happy to provide a cover letter, references, and/or a tailored version of my resume.



There are too many pretty things in the world. Here are some of my favourite photographs, but there's lots more on my instagram. Unfortunately I don't have any sort of fancy camera, these were all taken on my phone.

packing tape
2024: On the Pictish trail.
packing tape
2024: Outside of Santander, Spain.
packing tape
2023: Above the clouds on Tromsdalstinden, Tromsø.
packing tape
2023: Tromsø arctic botanical gardens.
packing tape
2023: Whiteout on Cairn Gorm.
packing tape
2023: The Arrochar Alps.
packing tape
2022: The Trotternish ridge on the Skye trail.
packing tape
2022: The trollstigen pass.
packing tape
2022: Sunrise on Liatach.
packing tape
2020: Bandit lake, Algonquin.

Places I've Slept

I have for a long time wanted to make a map with all of the places I had been to, but it was hard to decide what counted as having "been" somewhere. I decided a good enough metric was if I had slept somewhere, so this is the map of all the places I have ever slept. Note that the locations have been randomized to within 1km.


This tab displays the original "jack.beda.ca" website, as made by my dad a long long time ago.

The address for this page is <http://jack.beda.ca/>. Any other addresses may change without notice. Please bookmark and link appropriately.

There really is not anything here yet, except for links to photos that my parents have taken of me.

Here is my birth announcement:

		From: John 'Johann' and Rachel Beda <johann-st@beda.ca>
		Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 3:17 PM
		To: John 'Johann' and Rachel Beda
		Cc: Rachel Wortis Beda
		Subject: Jan 'Jack' Francis Beda born September 19, 2003
			Avast ye maties!
			We are very pleased to announce the birth of our second son, 
		Jan Francis Beda (who we have been calling "Jack"), at 5:30 AM 
		on Friday, September 19, 2003. Weighing in at 8 lbs 1.2 oz 
		(3.665 kg) and a length of about 21.5" (55 cm).
			Rachel and Jack are doing very well. Johann is a bit sleepy 
		having gotten up at about 2:30 AM, and Robert is excitedly waiting 
		to visit Jack this afternoon for the first time.
			A very few photographs are on the web, but more will probably 
		follow fairly soon. Jack's email address and web pages should 
		be operational fairly soon.
Jack's Home Page - Robert's Home Page - Johann's Home Page - Rachel's Home Page

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