Johann's Photo Albums - 1997

Click on the date to see the photos. The descriptions have links to various related resources such as the places where the photos were taken. See the top for more up-to-date listings of essentially every photo in our database.

Initial format
of Images
Various 1997 See all the rest of the year for photos not listed here.
Digital Camera
1997/12/11 Some photographs of Physical Revue D, the 4th annual year-end show of the physics department at UIUC. Videotapes of this and previous shows are available at the Physics Library.
Floppy 1997/11/29 Some photographs of our new home at 105 Victoria Street, Dundas, ON, Canada, L9H-2C1.
Floppy 1997/11/26 Some photographs of Loomis Lab and nearby structures.
Floppy 1997/11/14 An early Thanksgiving dinner with various people.
Floppy 1997/11/08? A visit to the Walkers' home in Champaign, IL.
Floppy 1997/11/05? Jay brings his parents over for a visit.
Floppy 1997/10/31 Halloween at Loomis Lab, the Physics Department at UIUC.
Floppy 1997/10/12 Preparing turkey for Canadian Thanksgiving, or rather, the day before.
Floppy 1997/09/30 Kimberly lounging around on our couch.
Floppy 1997/09/14 Saint Patrick's Parish Picnic at Hessle Park in Champaign, IL
Floppy 1997/07/26 Swimming at Lake of the Woods, IL with Rachel, Robin, John and Jay.
Floppy 1997/07/12 Max's first birthday party.
Floppy 1997/07/07? Rachel's new short haircut.
Floppy 1997/06/29-30 Heading home to Urbana, IL via the BC Ferries and then the Vancouver International Airport.
Floppy 1997/06/29 Visiting with Toph in Victoria, BC, Canada
Floppy 1997/06/28 Jane and Osmar's wedding at UVIC in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Floppy 1997/06/26-27 Sailing LaBoo through the Gulf Islands, BC, Canada and the San Jaun Islands in Washington state.
Floppy 1997/06/25 A day trip to Banff National Park in AB, Canada
Floppy 1997/06/24 Charles Darwin talks to the HPS&ST conference, hosted by the University of Calgary in Calgary, AB, Canada
Floppy 1997/06/22-25 A few shots of my hotel, the Elbow River Inn and Casino, in Calgary, AB, Canada as well as some photographs taken about town and from the Calgary Tower.
Floppy 1997/06/20 The Royal Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum, in the Badlands of AB, Canada
Floppy 1997/06/13-15 A visit to friends at The University of the South in Sewanee, TN with Rachel.
Floppy 1997/05/24? A trip to Allerton Park, UIUC with Scott, Max and Rachel.
Floppy 1997/05/17 UIUC Physics Undergraduate convocation.
Floppy 1997/04/26 House painting for Empty Tomb in Urbana, IL.
Floppy 1997/03/30 An Easter Egg hunt at the Walkers' in Champaign, IL.

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